Mason County

Drop Box Watch & Booking does its best to add all the drop boxes for each county that it can find documented. If you find any errors or omissions, please notify this website by sending an email to:

Step 1: Select the dates you want drop box watch.

Step 2: Complete the form and select the time and duration you wish to watch.

Step 3: Watch for an approval and confirmation email.

Map of Mason County Drop Boxes

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First Name*:

Last Name*:




Note: Start Time and Duration will apply to all selected days

Start Time*:


Drop Box Location: Chevron Station

Selected Dates: ...

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Have Questions? We Have Answers

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Where can I get help in scheduling my observing of the ballot drop boxes in my county?



You can visit the Guides page from the menu.

Will the scheduler only allow a single drop box watcher at a certain day and time?



Although the scheduler will attempt to not allow more than one observer to reserve a location at the same date and time, you may have observers from outside of with you.

Note: Any existing bookings are not displayed in the booking calendar to protect the watchers.

Will I be getting instructions on how to watch a ballot drop box?



When you register and send in your signed liability waiver, and then book your first drop box watch, you will be sent a guide on our recommendations for a safe and successful ballot drop box watching.

What should I do if I encounter any problems during my watch?



We want everyone to be safe and hope that there will be no problems or issues encountered during your ballot drop box watch period. If you do encounter any issues (non-emergency, non-life-threatening), please note the date, time, location and what transpired and put this in an email that you can send to, and we will analyze what happened and add this to our list of FAQs with a suggested method of dealing with the problem in the future. 



If you encounter any harassment, violence, or other threatening situation, move immediately away from the area and DO NOT ENGAGE! You can notify the police once you have moved to a safe location.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Once I register to Drop Box Watching, what should I expect next?


You will receive an email confirming your regisration with Your next step should be to visit the Liability Waiver page and download a copy of the waiver that you need to fill and sign and then email to

You will now be able to book county ballot drop box watching.

When I book a ballot drop box to watch at the date and time of my choosing, I get an email telling me that it was created and is in pending status. What does this mean?



This is normal. Within a day or sooner, an Administrator will review your booking request and check to make sure that you have registered with the website for drop box watching, and that you have returned your fill and signed Liability Waiver. If, after a day, does not receive both items, this reservation will be deleted.

How do I edit or cancel my ballot box watching reservation/booking



When you created your booking, you were sent an email confirming your booking. In this email were links to view/edit/cancel the booking. If you lost your email and need to change or cancel your reservation, please email the Administrator with your request to

I think I found an error with one of your drop pins representing a ballot drop box in my county. How do I notify you to correct it?



Please notify the Administrator by sending an email with the missing or incorrect information to

I'm a little concerned about my safety when observing my booked ballot drop box during my day and time; what can I do to increase my safety?


Answer: is very concerned about all the observers' safety during their watch. We suggest that if you feel a little uneasy watching alone, that you invite someone to go along with you. Additionally, we will be providing a guide to assist all users of this website in their effort at doing their ballot drop box watchin in a safe and legal manner.

If at any time, you do not feel safe, please leave the area  immediately and go to a safe place, and if necessary, notify the police!